Reply To: Softball is 4-0 so far this fall

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Softball Softball is 4-0 so far this fall Reply To: Softball is 4-0 so far this fall



St. Joes scores
Lehigh 1-0 (Sorem)
Lehigh 5-0 (No-hitter Campbell and Lattanzio)

Princeton scores
Lehigh 7-2 (Same combo)
Lehigh 4-0 (Sorem)

Campbell was the 2nd best pitcher in the PL last year and will likely be our #1 starter this year. Sorem has the ability to be one of our best ever. Her WHIP is >1 so far, so she has been pitching out of trouble. Barring injuries, our pitching staff should be be dominant in the PL for many years to come.