Reply To: Keth Woetzel. S/QB. COMMIT #2

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Keth Woetzel. S/QB. COMMIT #2 Reply To: Keth Woetzel. S/QB. COMMIT #2


objective observer

Like I have said before

CB and Lineman are extremely hard to recruit!

If you are a 3 star D-lineman and are 6-5 and 285 most D-I schools are going to give you a look!-

As for DBs if you can tackle and run under a 4.5 it is probably almost impossible for a PL school to get a look

I hate to say it but what the PL receives is the leftovers or players who want an education over football

Recruiting is a hard business- players are spoiled – they will go to a school that gives them the most!

Most of us have gone on recruiting visit- Syracuse – is building a 17 million dollar complex JUST FOR FOOTBALL
how do you compete with this?- Syracuse is not a good football program and there are players on Lehigh who could probably play in a program like Syracuse and Rutgers- Villanova etc.