Reply To: Fordham

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Fordham Reply To: Fordham



[quote=22899]Lehigh Guy is dead on with the 3-5-3
First off if it was such a good def scheme more programs would be running it.
Lehigh went to it in desperation due to the personnel they have
One Spring and Fall is not that much time to install the entire package / thus Lehigh is only running parts of the 3-5-3
Once again the D gives up 50+ and over 500 TY
Andy is doing his best – worst move he ever made though was bringing Bott on. Ever since he was hired the D has had many problems.
You want to see a lifeless practice on Def – go to see a LU practice.
Spring – Summer or Fall I have watched them and there is very little teaching going on. In addition drills that are useless for the most part when it really comes down to playing football.

The problem is deep and yet with the weak PL LU has a shot to be OK.


There’s so much inaccuracy here it’s hard to know where to start… eh. Probably not worth it.

Probably just worth mentioning that Villanova. Yale, Princeton all run the same defense. Not to mention countless FBS programs, most notably West Virginia.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by  lfnadmin.