Reply To: PL Tiebreak Rules 2015 – Lehigh

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football PL Tiebreak Rules 2015 – Lehigh Reply To: PL Tiebreak Rules 2015 – Lehigh



[quote=23175]LFN, How is an 8-3 Fordham team “in deep trouble” re at large bid but Lehigh in at 7-4?


The theory is that Fordham would have ended the year losing 2 of 3 games to unranked teams, while a 7-4 Lehigh would have been undefeated in November on a 4 game winning streak.

I’d put 8-3 Fordham and a 7-4 Lehigh (or Holy Cross) in the same category for an at-large, about. Not a great chance and dependent on what else happens.

My big question is how many 6-5 teams will merit consideration? I can think of some that would and a whole lot of others that wouldn’t.