Reply To: PL Game 2: Boston U.

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball PL Game 2: Boston U. Reply To: PL Game 2: Boston U.


Was only able to watch the first 20 minutes but a great effort. Finally came out strong and with intensity – and it made a huge difference.

Loving KL’s development. Yes, he hit shots, but he has also been defending well for a freshman and is an excellent rebounder for a guard (3.8rpg compared to 4rpg for JG) which is something this team really needs. He also seems very comfortable with the ball in his hands, it results in some turnovers for now, but I like the confidence and ability.

Tim and AP have been great in the first two conference games. If they can gain some confidence from this win, they will be able to win (more than) their fair share in the PL.