Reply To: PL Game 2: Boston U.

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball PL Game 2: Boston U. Reply To: PL Game 2: Boston U.



I would agree there are no easy games for this team. Loyola, currently, ranked at 285, has 3 wins and has beaten (all rankings by Sagarin):

American 327
Lafayette 313
UMBC 307

Lehigh, currently ranked at 250, has 3 wins and has beaten:

Rochester unranked
MSM 267
BU 217

I like our chances here, even on the road. But, it is no gimmee for sure.

On another sad note, Patriot League, currently ranked 25th best conference, which is the lowest rating I can recall in quite some time. We are currently behind the lowly WAC at 24th. I dare anybody to name a current WAC team, other than New Mexico State.