Reply To: Sports Marketing

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Sports Marketing Reply To: Sports Marketing


Don’t get me wrong — I love Lehigh’s campus. But it has drawbacks, as some of you noted:

— Lots of better places to play and watch a game than Stabler. Seems like it’s built like a brick s-house, but needs major upgrade.

— It would be great to have, say, a Rauch-type facility — modernized with turf — for recreational players/runners on lower campus. LU’s fitness center is OK, but many students today (and many more in the future) like to play soccer. Even an outdoor turf field would work.

This could be built — as has been done on other campuses — in conjunction with a retail and student housing complex. I like what was done with the new bookstore, but it was just a relatively small project … and should be just a start.

Lehigh was given acres and acres near the Promenades, I think. Make a trade.

— Goodman needs upgrades. It’s major boring. Anyone up for skyboxes?