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Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball PL Game 3: Loyola Reply To: PL Game 3: Loyola



Bad Night All Around – but the highlights had to be:

    TK – Preseason Player of the Year

10 pts. – season low
1 Offensive Rebound – season low
2 of 8 (.250) FT% – season low

    KR – thought to be one of the League’s finest PGs

1 Assist – season low
5 Person Fouls – season high (has had 3 other games with 4)
29 minutes – second lowest (had 24 vs. Rochester)

    Team Play

5 Assists – season low
5 ORs – 2nd lowest (had 3 vs. Stony Brook)
15 for 26 FTs (.577) – 2nd lowest rate (was 10 of 20 or .500 vs. AWP)
16 MFGs – 2nd lowest (had 15 vs. Syracuse)
3 M3FGs – 2nd lowest (had 2 vs. Syracuse)
4 Steals – 2nd lowest (had 3 vs. Virginia)

And, finally my pet peeve…………5 Assists/16 Made FGs = .313
41 Assists/59 Made FGs (previous 2 PL games) = .695

Maybe KenPom knew what he was talking about.