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ticket paying customers
Stabler needs an upgrade, but in my view, it is quite functional for what we need…
Bottom line is that we have champagne tastes and beer wallets.[/quote]
There’s a link between “decline of ticket-paying customers” and “we are fine with a functional facility, we don’t need trappings.” Trappings are one of the things that can attract people to games.
Some of the things are layups, easy to implement – giveaways, contests, prizes, etc. Others are more expensive.
The video board thing gets a lot of traction for six decent reasons:
1. Lafayette has one.
2. In #Rivalry150, one of the biggest thrills of all the fans were the video ads about Lehigh and Lafayette on Yankee Stadium’s big screen. What Lehigh person didn’t cheer when a huge image of CJ came on the screen?
3. While not free, getting a Daktronics board is no longer the huge expense that it once 15 years ago.
4. Delaware has one.
5. Lehigh’s scoreboard hasn’t essentially changed since 1988. There have been minor upgrades to change the lights and make them more readable, but that’s it.
6. A video board makes Goodman much more multi-purpose. During an outdoor graduation, all you get is a banner saying congratulations to the graduates. A video board could make that experience much more rich for everyone.