Reply To: Bucknell

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Bucknell Reply To: Bucknell



All eyes might well be on #14 tonight. That is Bucknell’s 6’5” senior guard, Chris Haas. After all, he did pour in 40 against Army just 9 days ago and may hold the key to the Bison fortunes tonight. Here’ a brief look at his bio and his 2015-16 PL season stats rolling into Stabler.


FG% Overall .540 (.464 entire season)
PPG 22.5 (19.3 entire seaon)
2FG% .548
3FG% .370
FT% .830
RPG 4.3

    Chriss Haas vs. Lehigh (past 2 seasons)

2Ws and 2Ls
18 for 48 or .375
49 pts. or 12.3ppg

While they don’t play the same position on the court, many think our chances of pulling an upset tonight might be in the hands of TK. Here’s a look at his experience against Bucknell which, as in CH’s numbers above reflect 2Ws and 2Ls.

20 for 38 or .526
44 pts. or 11ppg
P.S. The W’s occurred at Stabler