Reply To: Future FBS Opponents

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Future FBS Opponents Reply To: Future FBS Opponents


objective observer

As for MILLER- guys that usually talk like that – usually don’t understand football

I have watched this site quietly over the past two years! .

There is a lot of criticizing of coaches, and players

Another key to this year’s win total will be if the quarterback can lead- run when needed. and the offensive line stays healthy- SPORTS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE- it is the little things that wins championships

Offense – needs to keep turnovers done- run hard- and the offensive line needs to keep pressure off the quarterback

Defense- cant give up big plays like they have over the last couple of years- they need to keep the receivers in front of them- increase sack total, but pressure on the quarterback, increase turnovers, and finally- TACKLE- which has been poor