Reply To: First practice tonite

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football First practice tonite Reply To: First practice tonite

Go Lehigh TU Owl
Go Lehigh TU Owl

3 weeks until the opener with Monmouth. So they basically have two weeks of camp and then a week of game prep. The time to put up or shut up is closing in. I’d love for this to be a 2010, even better 2011, type of year. I believe there is potential for that type of season. Everyone just needs to get on the same page these next 21 days.

Monmouth is such a pivotal game. They need to take care of business at home. I know the Beach Hawks are a scholarship program but a PL winning type Lehigh team wins this game by 10-14 points. With that said, I totally understand the line being LU -3….