Go Lehigh Football!

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Go Lehigh Football!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #16625


    LehighGuy wants to talk about irresponsible posts? I’ve got news for you, this whole message board is irresponsible!

    The board is full of guys who think they have all the answers when they really have no idea what is going on at Lehigh, in the sports programs, or even have a clue about the sports they discuss. As I’ve stated before, making suggestions for what schemes should be use, who should be playing, who should be recruited, etc., and then being upset when your suggestions aren’t followed is ridiculous. To make suggestions and criticize the student-athletes and coaches while only knowing a small portion of the information is irresponsible.

    What’s even worse, some of you clowns are so delusional that you can’t admit you don’t know and really feel the coaches and players should listen to you! I’ve never claimed to know what’s going on with the football program or suggest who should be playing or who should be recruited or what type of plays should be run. My stance has always been I don’t know the full story, AND NEITHER DO YOU!

    I will continue to SUPPORT the Lehigh Football program and expose you frauds for what you really are…delusional men who are so full of themselves, they would rather spew negativity than admit the coaches, players, administrators, etc. know more than them.




    Plenty of good people on here too, just a few who have to ruin it with negativity….



    Lol, I will entertain this post. This a message board! Its for everyone to voice their opinions and play Monday morning qb! Its the whole purpose of the board! Look at all other boards and you will see the same thing…..duhhhhh.I suggest you go to the AGS boards and tell me what you see. Then you post about people not knowing what they’re talking about, but you put a mans name on here refering to him and his son personally. And to top it off you call him a bigot! You know you were wrong for doing it. The poor guy probably doesnt even know this site exists! You are pure comedy my friend, tell me who’s daddy I am today! LMAO!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  LehighGuy.

    Hello Cobbler. Every body gets to say what they think if its fit for mixed company and respects people and their privacy. Whether they know what their talking about or not. Following a post like that I normally prescribe a sedative. Or maybe at least a cookie and a nap.


    Getting to the point where I cringe each time I see one of their names in a thread.



    Totally agreed. I think boards like this are supposed to be fun outlets for fans; virtual sports bars where we drink some beers, talk smack, and day-dream about what could be.
    Fun suckers suck.



    I said i’d be good Rich, i’m on lehighsportsforum probation :)


    Cringe factor takes a while to ebb :)

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