LEHIGH Softball

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Softball LEHIGH Softball

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  cheapsneakers7 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    Lehigh softball had a very good year so far but not a great year.
    Batting was only fair because too many players were “left on base” so hitting in the clutch was not good enough for a Lehigh team.
    Pitching was good but there were too many disaster innings and too many hit batters.
    Also, errors were excessive.
    The team had very good balance and this was key in winning the conference despite the weak spots mentioned.
    Despite the loss of a terrific senior class, the quality of the incoming freshmen could lead to continued momentum.


    If Yozzo can play on Thurs , hitting should improve. Although our table setters have been pretty goid. Agree we have left too many opportunities on the field. Pitching is very good neither are in the class of Sweeney ,Bauscher et al.CC relies on pinpoint control. Emily has a power arm. Her riser is a killer. Think she will dominate as she learns to pitch and change speeds. Pitching next year will add another top pitcher. To have 2 is not common. To have 3 is a coup.:)



    I have a slightly different take on our efforts this year. Our team BA i about the same as last year. We have scored almost exactly the same amount of runs with a few games to go. We only have 2 more errors this year.
    We haven’t shown a lights out pitcher yet. As Rich said, there is no Bauscher, Sweeny, Ling etc but probaly more importantly I think the entire PL is better.We often go into the tournament with only 1 or 2 teams having winning overall records. This year, there are 4 very good teams. It will be very competitive. Winning the first one is huge. I may be surprised if Sorem starts any game but have no inside information.
    I’ll be there tomorrow though.



    I had a work related injury. A fellow employee stepped on my entire foot to my ankle. As a results my foot and ankle blew up like a balloon and it took sort of 3 months to get the swelling down to 1/2 the size. The worker comp doctor never really looked at the MRI and said he didnt know what was wrong with my ankle. I asked him why cant i move my 2nd toe, why does my arch hurt, why cant I move my ankle and why is there a lump smack on the top of my ankle, rick willianen.

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