Letter of Intent Day

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Letter of Intent Day

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    The 3 Walk-on’s mentioned in the article…are they full pays?


    Depends.PL allows 3 true WOs on a roster whose aid does not count vs schollie cap. These are unrecruited WOs per NCAA rules. Notice that Andy said “looking to add”, not recruiting. NCAA rules are specific as to what constitutes aWO. Does not prsclude contact and conversation. No official visits or preferential treatment by Admisdions. Means no slotting of other assistance from coaches.
    We have w PWOs now in Zuewesky and Richardson. Could be true WOs per NCAA but I dont know.
    To finally :-) answer your question it is possible that some or all of these 3 could fit in PL exception.
    Would not be surprisdd if the mysterioys Tugman is one of them. We could not announce him yesterday and still take him as a true WO.


    These senior moments are annoying.
    Forgot Morrow. Back and healthy. A combo on roster at LB/DL. A MLB in HS. Wouldn”t mind him back there.



    Tugman is a huge UNC fan I believe. I would not be surprised if it were a prank.


    Also a big Texas A&M fan. Who knows? Wont be shocked either.way.



    Excellent explanation of the WO process. Thanks RichH


    Agree on the depth of QBs. Great to have that many, but … The new QB recruit from Fla actually looks outstanding, throws well when rolling out especially.

    Maybe he just really wanted to come to Air Lehigh?

    Then there’s #22 in the videos — can’t remember his name — whom I think we recruited as a WR, but he played QB in the highlights. He was incredibly shifty runner.

    I know from the schools around me that there are decent recruits who have not committed — still waiting for that college fit, that D-I offer, trickle-down effect, want better $, whatever reason. We may end up with one or two guys waiting for a big offer elsewhere that never comes through.

    Hopefully an LB, punter (do we really need a scholly for that?) or … There likely are some guys still out there who can play at this level, schollies or not.

    I still can’t believe, after that near-(defensive) debacle vs. Lafayette (yeah, beat me up on that comment), there has been no movement on the D scheme or coaching side.


    Listened to Andy’s interview with Matt and Tom this afternoon. He loves this staff. Dont see any changes on the horizon. 22 is Connally. He and Woetzel met in NJ Statr Championships. Both on the A’S state teams at QB.



    I don’t pretend to be an expert on the 3-3-5 but IMHO the biggest problem is the size differential it puts us under, especially the way we play it. A 265# NG backed up by a 210# MLB backed up by 5 DB/Safeties is never, ever going to stop a 300# OL with a 220# back. I think that it’s pure physics (not my strongest subject) :-).
    We may be the only team in the country who takes safeties in HS and makes them LBs in college without putting on the necessary beef. We then take LBs in HS and convert them to the DL while weighing 240#.
    If we are going to play the 3-3-5, my first move is to take our best defensive player(Caslow) and make him the rover. Then clog up the MLB position with a 240# (perhaps Ripanti). I would also move one of our 295# DEs to the middle.
    BTW, I would also consider Connally as a KR or PR.


    I was a History major. Nevrr even took Physics. Rocks I was my science :-).
    I would like to see Caslow at OLB and Barrett/Lambert at Rover. Inside we onle have Mitchell at 38285 behind him perhaps Ripanti and Buskirk. Morrow is healthy so move him inside.
    Andy loves moving guys forward. It does get more athleticism up front theoretically. One of the main issues last year was lack of sixe combined with inexperience all over. A 175 lb Rover. McCloskey forced in at S. He was lost many times . Underclassmen all over 2 deep on D. We have to hope that the 2nd year of this D will be better as staff and players are more familiar with it. Both looked lost often last year. While not the solution many of us hoped, it appears thats what we have.



    I still can’t believe, after that near-(defensive) debacle vs. Lafayette (yeah, beat me up on that comment), there has been no movement on the D scheme or coaching side.


    You, me and everybody else. But if that is Coen’s position and he is sticking with it, he MUST be held accountable for not being able to make staff/scheme changes when necessary.
    That is part of a HC job right?

    Apparently he is the last person on the face of the planet to recognize it. Over 49 pts allowed 4 times and 35 to a team that only averaged 11 PPG against everyone else….Sometimes loyalty and stupidity go hand-in-hand.



    I respectfully disagree. :-).
    Let’s assume that the average OL in the PL is about 295. This was what they were facing in the L-L game last year per our game notes.


    Lowly Lafayette ran for 209 yds and 487 yds total offense…do you think that is a coincidence?


    Oh, I dont think ee disagree. DL was our primary weak link. My point was merely that there was little behind that to absorb the fallout. Laub,IMO, was not an asset at DE in this scheme. We performed better with Kondas indide and Johnsonat DE. Stubbs, IIR, was out with a back injury. All that said, DL is tops on the list to be remedied. Johnson should be used like Owens was, a passrusher. Caveness’ albeit very big, needs more upprr body strength. Lynn missed most of ladt year due to injury. I think he would be more effective at DE. A base DL of 295-285-290 with Stubbs, Johnson and Prendergast rotating in. NG still an iseue. Kaufman and Nace look to be what we have inside for depth. Morrow would be wasted on DL. Put him at LB.


    My father and two coworkers told me they saw “Stephen Puhl going to Lehigh” was mentioned on a ESPN recruiting show Wednesday. Anyone catch it? It made my day! They never give us coverage.


    I caught only the last half hour. Kinda neat. Wonder if anyone could find that clip to post.

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