Archive For The “A.J. VIsconti” Category

Senior QB Matt McHale? Hurt. Got an injury that he’s rehabbing that has him ruled out of spring ball.
Sophomore QB Nick Shafnisky? Just this week, he got tendonitis in his throwing shoulder, which limited his time this spring.
Senior QB Gerard Poutier? Sorry, no. Still rehabbing a leg injury that he sustained last season.
Suddenly, a former walk-on athlete had gotten most of the reps this spring at the most important position on the field.
Senior QB Albert J. Visconti may not have been the guy that was hyped the most going into the spring, but the former walk-on now has the opportunity of a lifetime that’s every walk-on’s dream: a chance to be “the man” in the highlight of the spring football season.
Late on Monday night, senior QB Brandon Bialkowski delivered the news that Lehigh fans feared, but also suspected: that he will be gone for the rest of the year with season-ending collarbone surgery.
It appears that the collarbone was broken so badly that he’ll need an iron plate and screws to reconnect it.
The guy we call “BB” got hurt in the game against Bucknell, after leading the Mountain Hawks to a 6-2 record and positioning Lehigh towards another potential Patriot League title.
Thoughts and prayers to him and his family.
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Tomorrow the 2013 Lehigh football season begins, and this concludes my highlight of every single player on the Lehigh roster.
Last, and certainly not least, we look at junior QB A.J. Visconti as our highlighted Lehigh football athlete today.