Archive For The “Football on TV” Category

Did you think you would get off easy on watching college football simply because it’s Lehigh’s bye week?First of all, it gives you time to catch up on watching ESPN’s College Football Gameday, where you can see the Lehigh flag that frequently makes an …

If you’re not able to catch the Bucknell game in person, you can stream the game here from the Patriot League Digital Network. It’s a 1:00 PM start and it’s the only available video broadcast of the game. The link is below:Patriot Lea…

Anything else happening today of note?If you’re not able to catch Lehigh/Princeton in person, whether due to the Pope being in town or just because you need to catch up on your wildflower collection, you can stream the game here from the Ivy League Dig…

Exactly when is a media entity not entitled to report on itself?
This is the question I frequently pose to myself when ESPN, Fox and CBS report on anything about college realignment issues in general.
It’s especially true about this report made by Jeremy Fowler of CBS Sports.Com, which purports to be an inside look at who has the “most say” in realignment – TV networks or the conferences themselves.
The good news is that there are a lot of revealing insights into the top men running the show in collegiate athletics, including media people and conference commissioners. The bad news is that it reads like the writer is trying to snooker the reader into thinking that TV has no influence over realignment – when a keener, more independent look at the quotes reveals anything but.
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Admit it.Even though you have that Halloween party to go to, even though you're preparing for the Frankenstorm, that appears more and more that it's going to pound our area starting Sunday night, even though you're planning on taking your k…