Archive For The “Keith Sherman” Category

(Photo Credit: Lehigh Athletics)
Despite the meetings with the other coaches beforehand, despite the bustling schedule of Media Day, where coaches are shunted around for two straight hours, fielding video spots, and reporter after reporter with digital recorders in hand, by the time I got to Lehigh head coach Andy Coen, any stress from the commotion was not evident anywhere when I talked to him.
Perhaps part of that came due to his incredible success over the past three seasons.
With a 31-6 record in the past three years, two Patriot League Championships, playoff wins against the CAA and Missouri Valley champs, and last year’s 10-1 record, his three last years at Lehigh can be stacked up against anyone’s in the country.
North Dakota State’s Craig Bohl, who downed Lehigh on their way to their first FCS National Championship in 2010, went 37-7 over that time period. The coach of the team they beat twice for the national championship, Sam Houston State’s Willie Fritz, sports a 31-10 record over that period.
Heck, Alabama’s Nick Saban led the Crimson Tide to a 35-5 record over 3 years.
A 30 win record over a 3 year period gives you peace of mind, even if last season ended waiting for an at-large playoff bid that never came.
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On Wednesday at Patriot League Media Day, I sat down with two senior co-captains, senior RB Keith Sherman and senior LB Nigel Muhammad, and talked to them about the upcoming season.
It’s a credit to Lehigh that year in and year out the expectations are so high. This season, Lehigh was picked a very close second, right behind defending champions Colgate.
What’s sort of odd about that is only Nigel, and senior OL Ned Daryoush, made the first team all-Patriot list, yet they still were picked second.
What did Keith and Nigel have to say about that?
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(Photo Credit: Kevin Mingora/The Morning Call/April 20th, 2013)
By any measure the defense probably had more of its share of concern – and attention from coaches and fans alike – in this Spring season.
They had heard the issues all Spring long – the fact that only three starters returned on defense, including four new starters in the secondary and three new starters on the defensive line.
“The defense needs to get better,” Coen said in the release before the Brown/White game. “They didn’t perform very well in our last scrimmage and our coaches have challenged them.”
The defensive Brown team, led by new team captains senior LB Nigel Muhammad and senior FS Tyler Ward, responded to the challenge.
Using a modified scoring system, the Brown defense scored 14 points off of sacks and 12 points off of turnovers as the defense put up a solid performance in a 46-37 victory.
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(Photo Credit: Facebook/Will Rackley)
Down 14-3 and 21-10, early on it looked like Lehigh’s playoff hopes, already dimmed by the Mountain Hawks’ loss to Colgate, might be done in completely at the hands of their bitter rivals, who were looking for their first win over Lehigh after being unsuccessful in their last four tries.
Then Lehigh put together their best half of football of the year.
Scoring 28 unanswered points, and shutting out the Leopards in the second half, the Mountain Hawks finished the regular season with a resounding 38-21 victory.
Ultimately, it wasn’t enough to get to the postseason, even though it would have been for the first time since the playoffs expanded to 20 teams that a team with 10 Division I wins would not qualify for the FCS playoffs.
But that shouldn’t obscure a fantastic effort by Lehigh’s class of 2013 to stay undefeated against “That School in Easton” and their achievement of being only the 10th team in school history to break the 10 win barrier.
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(Photo Credit: Kevin Mingora/Morning Call) Sometimes, the most exciting, entertaining games are the ones you least suspect, and this well-recapped Fordham/Lehigh game was one of them.I can't recall a week when it was so abundantly clear that there …