Reply To: Starting lineups???

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Starting lineups??? Reply To: Starting lineups???



Pretty sure I’d love to see that bear suited up on the opposite side of Cavenas, but his love of nightlife might be his undoing.

Andy’s MO has always been that every spot is a competition, every year, with the possible exception of OL. Having said that I think barring injury or an insane camp by the others Shaf will be the No. 1 QB.

One part of the lineup that nobody’s talking about is WR. Seems pretty easy to pencil in Pelletier at the Z but after that there’s a lot of talented guys looking for PT. One guy I’m wondering about especially is Derek Knott, another guy who was hurt early last year. A healthy Knott, even rotated in with another player, stretching defenses could make Lehigh’s offense very interesting.

Defense IMO there are 11 starting positions up for grabs.