Starting lineups???

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Starting lineups???

This topic contains 67 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by ngineer ngineer 9 years ago.

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    His team? Oh you mean the Chicago Bears. I’ll google it.



    Final update on the bear. He was caught crashing a party at 5th a Pierce St (no lie).He was tranquilized and according to the newspaper
    “The bear will eventually be on its way, courtesy of the game commission, to someplace more remote “as nature intended”

    Damn Colgate!!!!


    No,he is our bear. The Lehigh squirrel needs a buddy.



    Like LG last season I agree we need to play the younger SKILLED players. We should have a Fr- QB, RB and 1 CB if we want the best season. If that is too vanilla Rich,then get over it and just continue your thang. I thought 7-8 wins last season, still have HIGH expectations.


    Miller,point of thread is to get everyone’s opinions ,not to please me. Would not be surprised to see Montgomery and/or McCloskey in the rotation. I’m all for putting the best players on the field. Best athletes not necessarily best players tho. On O,seems a lock that we will see Dom and Micco on the fidld.


    really doubt that we would see F QB, quite a lot to ask a F QB to learn all the offense and be ready to step in, however if he is truly good enough to win the job then so be it

    with Lambert, Leaks, Jones, Rigaud, Lawson and Wilmington I don’t see a Fr DB getting much time but if one or more can distinguish themselves that would be great

    Kauffman and Crawford should have FB covered well

    no shortage of competent upperclass OL, so Fr started there seems unlikely

    maybe Christiano might see some time at WR

    if Bragalone and Brisker don’t get time at RB I would be shocked

    Fr kicker seems to be a given

    Robb, Kondas, Caslow, Ripanti, and maybe Lambert probably have inside track at LB; McCain and Coffman?

    I have no idea about tight ends, unless they get in the play book might not matter

    Palma, Bourgeouis, Laub, Stubbs, Mitchell and Cavenas should be in the DL rotation, maybe a Fr might get some time there?



    Pretty sure I’d love to see that bear suited up on the opposite side of Cavenas, but his love of nightlife might be his undoing.

    Andy’s MO has always been that every spot is a competition, every year, with the possible exception of OL. Having said that I think barring injury or an insane camp by the others Shaf will be the No. 1 QB.

    One part of the lineup that nobody’s talking about is WR. Seems pretty easy to pencil in Pelletier at the Z but after that there’s a lot of talented guys looking for PT. One guy I’m wondering about especially is Derek Knott, another guy who was hurt early last year. A healthy Knott, even rotated in with another player, stretching defenses could make Lehigh’s offense very interesting.

    Defense IMO there are 11 starting positions up for grabs.


    just a fan

    just my thoughts, I agree that on defense all spots should be open, we had the worst pass defense in the league, so to say those upper classmen are penciled in is not good for the team, we need all hands on deck… DB’s should be WIDE OPEN this camp. Also I agree that the RBs should be given a chance to start also, that old school Senior up first is so out dated, that’s saying that I can sit around for 2-3 years and just wait to start as a senior, that’s not right.


    just a fan

    I agree that the frosh this year should be given a chance to play asap, if we had the worst pass defense in the league then why would we pencil in the same guys from last year, I don’t understand, those guys should be walking on egg shells, if truly want a great defense in years to come then open it up and let the best play and who buys in the concepts.


    just curious as to how much of the DB problem last year was due to the non-existent pass rush?


    WRs Pelletier and Casey at the X.
    Kelsey,Knott and Sansone at the Y.
    Anderson ,Howard both capable if not as fast. Christiano best of this year’s group. Depends on how fast he picks up O.

    Pretty much agree that every spot has tobe open. New scheme ,the playrs that adapt the best,regardless of year or rep,have to start.
    My guess DL
    NG Caveness,Mitchell
    DE Laub , Bourgeois,Johnson
    DT Stubbs,Palma,Lynn
    LB Caslow,Ripanti,Robb
    R. Harvey,Barrett
    CB Leaks, Rigaud
    Jones, Marc
    S. Lambert,Lawson
    Key to our D improving is the DL. The one last year that could not rush the QB or stop the run cannot be repeated. That singular failure cascaded to failure all the back. Fix it and pass D will be fi.e.


    Certainly not all. Vivid memories of Leaks going for Ints ,and getting beat for long TDs. Ss both got beaten long but mors due to having to cheat up to defend runs.Stronger DL frees up LBs and DBs to do their assignments not react to DL’s weakness.


    agree on Leaks, he was a gambler last year, coach em up or sit em down


    Looks like Nick”s shoulder healing OK. Saw some pictures of him throwing to Devon Carter during a break at the SALSC project down in Philly.


    just a fan

    I agree Rich again just don’t understand supporting undisciplined defenders, not to throw shade on our kids because we all know the type of kid that comes to Lehigh is a great kid with a bright future, but talking football it Ludacris to think, that will be allowed again this year,, I see them starting the year off because its there spot to probably loose, but if we loose the first 2 games or get gutted on the back end I can and should def see a change in week 3, that’s when usually coaches insert there young kids who they are going to roll with…

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