Reply To: CCSU

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37 ,I swear he made every tackle. He is very good. Caslow had a career night. No TOs but lits of pressure.Stubbs was great. Front 7 a thousand times better than last 2 yrs. Only one big play when Montgomery got beat dep.
OL disappointing. CCSU stuffed box the whole game. Tough to get traction up the gut vs that. Why Folmar kept calling them ? No clue.
TP looks like ankle,hope just kept out as a precaution. Knott,as promissd,is a differsnce maker. Casey and Trevor did well. Even with CCSU playing 1 S on top most of the game,we could not get anyone open. Perhaps Folmar stayed vanilla to not give JMU much to look at. Yeah,that’s my story and I’m stickun to it :)