Reply To: The road back to…

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football The road back to… Reply To: The road back to…


I question whether the D ‘scheme’ was bad. I lost count of the number of times we hit a JMU back in the backfield or at the LOS and missed the tackle by poor technique or had the tackle broken. In essence, the players were in position to make the play but failed to execute! So it wasn’t scheme but talent. I was surprised because I thought the tackling was decent at CCSU.

Offense a mystery. Our OL was to be improved this year, but has not appeared so to date, and that is the #1 problem, though not the only one. Some of our WRs might be able to get separation if they had time. But Shaf rarely has more than three seconds and any decent DB can stay with a WR that long. It’s when the QB has time. The separation occurs and bingo. When we scored quickly on the pass to the RB, i thought, “wow, our coaches have picked up on something we are going to exploit.” Not. I think the OC may be in over his head, as I don’t see much creativity. There is talent. Keep in mind Andy was our OC at the beginnnig of the great run in the late 1990’s and did well at Penn. So I am confused as to why this has happened. I agree our high water mark during his regime was with Cecchini was the OC, but we have a bigger problem on defense. After all this offense is averaging over 400 yards a game right now. I think the next three weeks will really tell us where we are at, and it won’t be easy if the disabled list lengthens.