Reply To: Mayes

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I have no idea whether you participate on this board 2 years ago but there were all kinds of chatter on here that Shafnisky should start from Day 1 because he was the 1st scholarship player and BB had shown nothing until then.
Stats are easy to look up. In Shaf’s first game he completed 11 of 12 passes for 136 yds, 2 TDs and no picks. He ran for 55 yds and another TD and the team scored 34 points and yes people were WOWed.
For 2015 Shaf Mayes
Efficiency 132.09 125.16
Completion % 65.5% 56.94%
Yds/Comp 11.2 12.2
Rushing/g 58.6 -3

Way ahead in the passing game? Listen, I wasn’t a Shaf homer 2 years ago nor am I one now. I am also not one to form opinions about anyone based on one performance esp against Georgetown. This discussion board, including you, tends to sing a different song after every game. I really like Brad. He is going to be a star for Lehigh. I just ask for patience. When there is pressure BM currently is a different QB. Against James Madison, he dropped back 7 times and was sacked 3 X. Against Fordham, he was 16 of 38 with 3 more sacks and 3 picks. Now enjoy the ride. I may not be quite as dumb as you think :-)