
This topic contains 68 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #23152


    The only reason Shaf played as a Freshman was because BB got injured,otherwise he is NEVER in the discussion. Shaf did fine when forced into the games but never had a WOW factor. Mayes was forced into starting and is wwwaaayyy ahead in the passing game than a 3rd year player, and most say WOW!.TMH, you either are a Shaf homer or do not know the game.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by  Miller.


    I have no idea whether you participate on this board 2 years ago but there were all kinds of chatter on here that Shafnisky should start from Day 1 because he was the 1st scholarship player and BB had shown nothing until then.
    Stats are easy to look up. In Shaf’s first game he completed 11 of 12 passes for 136 yds, 2 TDs and no picks. He ran for 55 yds and another TD and the team scored 34 points and yes people were WOWed.
    For 2015 Shaf Mayes
    Efficiency 132.09 125.16
    Completion % 65.5% 56.94%
    Yds/Comp 11.2 12.2
    Rushing/g 58.6 -3

    Way ahead in the passing game? Listen, I wasn’t a Shaf homer 2 years ago nor am I one now. I am also not one to form opinions about anyone based on one performance esp against Georgetown. This discussion board, including you, tends to sing a different song after every game. I really like Brad. He is going to be a star for Lehigh. I just ask for patience. When there is pressure BM currently is a different QB. Against James Madison, he dropped back 7 times and was sacked 3 X. Against Fordham, he was 16 of 38 with 3 more sacks and 3 picks. Now enjoy the ride. I may not be quite as dumb as you think :-)


    Yeah,rhe clamor for Nick was deafening. Sadly patience is a foreign concept foe too many here. If you mention it you are comical or a blind apologist for the staff. Oh,well.
    Brad himself has a better grasp of reality than some here do. He has all he tools and will be one of our best ever. This year O is not our big issue. D needs to play a full game . Flashes of excellent play and some stretches of it. The first half was the longest stretch of good play. Some how,D has to play an entire



    I think Brad is a pass first Qb, Shaf more a runner. We could learn alot from Princeton and use both. Brad arm is definitely better. But he needs reps. Future is bright for LU. Shaf better get healthy quick, or this will be a QB debate.



    Rich H hit the nail on the head: “This year O is not our big issue. D needs to play a full game.”

    Except for Yale and JMU we’ve scored enough points to win the games. This defense has done something no LU defense has ever done: Give up 50+ points three times in one season. The first half versus the Hoyas was the best half all year. Then Robb got hurt. The D will decide how this season ends


    Agree. A weapon Folmar can use for the rest of the season. As some one posted a reverse Lum-Colvin. Next year may be a different scenario.


    Like most here, I was very impressed with Brad, however our best chance to win this year is a healthy Shaf IMHO, I like our chances with either guy if the D gets more consistent


    “if” is the key. This yr ,Shaf is our best hope for Gate particularly. Be is a wild card on every play with his ability to run. D has to defend a handoff to he Bs or Nana,a pass or Shaf taking off. Brad expands the field with the ability to throw deeper.


    Georgetown recap:

    The Hoyas are much improved but eventually when the other teams have full compliments of scholarship players, there will be a widening effect between haves and have nots.

    I look forward to watching the offense grow. There is good young talent on this side of the ball. We will score points.

    On defense, as long as the front four (seven?) exerts push and pressures the QB, as they did first half, we can limit damage. If we depend upon defensive backs who continually play the man, instead of the ball, we will be in nail biters even if we score five or more TDs. Please, watch our guys. They run step for step with receivers but never look back for the ball. It’s incredible. Is is coaching? Are the kids uncoachable? It’s driving me nuts.

    We have a real chance to win out, but defense needs to step it up.


    Good points marco. GU has always gotten quality skills players. Dont see that changing.With c uh rrent staff they will continue to compete.but the lack of depth will take its toll.
    DBs ,unlike last year,are usually in position but as you note they are mostly reacting to the WR making catch not preventing it. The fix? Better DBs or better coacing. Pick one.
    Some overall perspective. In most years,we will see 2-3 frosh on the two deep. This year we have 11. 19
    on the two deep are fr or so kids.
    Not a formula for consistency.


    DB’s not ‘looking back’ for the ball is an inherent problem. You see it at all levels. We have seen it regardless of who was in charge of the D. It’s a combination of having that ‘sense’ from seeing the receiver’s eyes whether the ball is coming, and the confidence to take one’s eyes off the receiver, fearing the receiver changes the route and getting ‘lost’. It is the toughest position to play. You are on an island and the receiver knows where he is going, and at the same time you ‘peek’ to see if a run is coming your way. I was a DB in high school and two years at LU. It is a lonely position.



    Ok, since we are going backwards … I watched a lot of practices over the years and BB was clearly the better QB his Jr year and should have started that year. Could you imagine what BB and Colvin in the slot might have brought? We would have been in the playoffs. Lum was very good, not sure why he did not get a shot at the next level…, BB’s arm was rated as “good” by the NFL scouts and I followed him a bit after he left and he was looked at by several NFL teams before signing with the CFL. His strength was quick reads and accuracy. His shoulder did not hold up. I like Mayes, lets see how he develops. Nick’s a one-read if open throw it, if not run it kind of guy just like Colvin was. Thats my view.


    Welcome footballlady. The knock on Chris and BB was not their ability so much as their height. Guessing if they were 6’3 they may have gotten more consideration. Couse if they were,they might not have come here :)).
    Nick’s go to reaction is still to run,which he does very well. Folmar is succeeding in instilling more patience in him. He is better at going thru his reads. Needs to improve a bit more but telling that he completes passes to multiple different receivers every game.
    Brad is a classic drop back passer. A pleasure watching his progression.



    Agree Rich, good points. Sometimes it’s about how tall you are versus what you can do (sad but true). Go Hawks!


    Well to the prsdnt Brad is a little over 6’2.:)

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