Reply To: Game 6: Purdue

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Game 6: Purdue Reply To: Game 6: Purdue


I think it’s a valid question when it comes to basketball factories, where they have sham classes designed to fraudulently raise the player’s GPA. However in this case, the players go to a real HS for academics. If they simply listed his academic HS on the bio and then listed Prolific Prep as his club team, then no-one would bat an eye. This has been going in in soccer for many years, with no adverse effect – except on the high schools who are losing a lot of their best players. Lehigh, like most soccer programs, has kids who bypassed their HS team to play academy soccer.

One other thing. I doubt the parents sent the kids to Prolific Prep with the NBA in mind but rather a D1 scholarship. It worked for a number of their players.