MLB Draft

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This topic contains 39 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by sundayamqb sundayamqb 9 years, 8 months ago.

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    Baseball America published their annual “Top 500” prospects list for next week’s draft. Lehigh had no less than FOUR players represented, and I couldn’t find another Patriot Leaguer on the list. It will be interesting to see when Garzillo goes. Baseball guys have some decent leverage when drafted as juniors but none as seniors, so I’d imagine it’s pretty difficult to turn down the opportunity + pay. Link to the list –

    #201 Garzillo
    #306 Pacchioli
    #441 Kulp
    #460 Long



    This is fantastic! But also kind of… surprising? Looking over the list, LSU has 5 guys, and Tulane has just 1.



    Many HS seniors are drafted very high and turn down the $ to go to college. Many college juniors are drafted late and return to play as a senior. $$ enters into equation only in the first few rounds. MOST drafted players will never see AAA ball even fewer make the bigs. Its all for the love of the game and enjoy the game while you can. The difference between AAA and A ball is luck……The difference between AAA ball and the show is skill.


    Don’t disagree about the love of the game and guys turning down money. But a 20-50k signing bonus as a jr compared to basically nothing as a sr might not be a bad decision based on whatever one’s financial aid package is.

    Also, have to disagree with this:

    Its all for the love of the game and enjoy the game while you can. The difference between AAA and A ball is luck……The difference between AAA ball and the show is skill.

    The trek from rookie ball to AAA does a pretty fine job of weeding out guys that can’t hit an offspeed pitch, or one dimensional pitchers, or guys that have a bat but can’t field. From AAA to the bigs is mostly about opportunity and luck. You don’t think McBride has a major league level bat if he didn’t miss two full seasons between ages 25-27. By the time he recovered he’s 28 and no longer a prospect. Or guys that don’t make the bigs because of an all star on the major league roster.


    This is fantastic! But also kind of… surprising? Looking over the list, LSU has 5 guys, and Tulane has just 1.

    I agree that it is a little weird. Maybe the LSU and Tulane aren’t draft eligible this year so aren’t on the list. In any case, I hope every kid the baseball staff is recruiting is being told about this in some form to let them know that Lehigh can be a platform to get noticed.



    Guys, I think your #s may be a bit low.
    #201 would put Garzillo very early in the 7th round. In 2013, that was assigned a value of $194,800.
    #306 would put Pachioli in the middle of the 10th round. The assigned value is $135,300

    Of course Garz could always take the CJ route and hope to increase his value during his senior year. Despite the injury, it worked for CJ. McBride went out earlier and he’s receiving a healthy paycheck but can’t quite stick in the majors.



    Speaking of McBride, he is absolutely killing it in Albuquerque. He was hitting .345 prior to tonight’s game. In the 6th, he is 4-4 for 3 runs and an RBI, so his #s are climbing. They have to call him up soon, don’t they?


    Guys, I think your #s may be a bit low.
    #201 would put Garzillo very early in the 7th round. In 2013, that was assigned a value of $194,800.
    #306 would put Pachioli in the middle of the 10th round. The assigned value is $135,300

    If where BA ranked them is where they are picked – then yes that would be their slot money. However, I’ve seen other lists as high as 400 that don’t have either. I really have no idea where, or even if, they will be picked and haven’t followed the process at all until the past month or so.



    Are those numbers salary? Or signing bonus? Could be a BIG difference.


    I don’t know about the bonus money, but AAA guys in general don’t make that kind of money. $40-50k if that. Exceptions are proven major league talents late in the their careers who may have something left and are in demand as back up in case someone gets hurt at the big club. As to the progression through the system, A to AA is the really hard jump. AA teams are generally made up of guys in their early to mid 20’s and are their to prove they can play consistently against high level talent. AAA teams are made up of “almost made it” guys in their late 20’s or early thirties, AAA+ guys who go up and down when people get hurt, and a few actual prospects who need three months of AAA for one last proving ground before the big club. We have season tickets to the Iron Pigs for 8 years and that’s what we get. None of them make 100k unless they have a major league contract and got demoted (see Dominic Brown).

    Oops, maybe the above is just the Phillies….?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by jimk72 jimk72.


    once again………Most will never sniff AAA or Majors, If you are happy riding buses and working part time jobs in off season, then enjoy the game for a few more years. Taking a small signing bonus out of high school and passing on a degree is not smart. You will be done playing ball in your late 20’s, with no college degree and nothing to show for it. Life doesn’t end at age 30, it begins.



    Don’t know if anyone has seen this article. I sure hope potential recruits have.



    2nd day of MLB Draft and I’m having a tough time deciding whether or not to root for the 3 juniors to get called. :-(


    2nd day of MLB Draft and I’m having a tough time deciding whether or not to root for the 3 juniors to get called. :-(

    I’m taking the view that putting guys in the pros will only increase the reputation of the program and help bring in more talent. That along with the facility improvements will probably have a greater long term impact on the program than one season. For the juniors, Garzillo is a definite, but curious to see if/when Kulp and Long are called. Garzillo, Pacc, & Kulp are all listed in the MLB Draftracker, but I don’t believe Long is there. Doesn’t mean anything really, but could be an indication of who they expect to hear their name called.



    I happen to be greedy and would prefer that they play another year at Lehigh, win back to back PL championships, then get drafted even higher. With the new field (it’s really nice if you haven’t seen it) we coax some more recruiting dollars out of the Administration and then we have a real plan. I can dream.

    Benn giving this some thought though. Exactly how big is getting drafted in baseball. There are 30 teams, each with about 40 picks plus compensation picks and competitive balance picks. That is over 1,200 players being drafted each year. for a total of 250 available spots on MLB rosters.
    By comparison the NBA drafts 60 players each year for 450 available spots. It may be even more limited for football. Hence, being drafted in rounds 1-3 in baseball is the equivalent of the 1st round in basketball. Rounds 4-6 may equate to the 2nd round in basketball but it is typically bad advice to come out early to get drafted there. Certainly Round 10+, maybe earlier is like getting an offer in Europe. You may make a decent chunk of change but your chances of making it big are really pretty slim.
    The defense rests :-).

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