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Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Sports Marketing

This topic contains 67 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #24757

    Doc Qb

    Close off the student lot on North side for nite games….lately, it’s a ghost town anyway, nothing like 20 yrs ago, now only two rows of cars, tops. We used to see (hear from inside during warmups) live bands for cryin out loud. Not anymore.

    Make the students park by Stabler, aside from Lafay game, there is plenty of parking anyway, just lite that side of campus a little better and you’re all good for nite games.


    I agree Doc Qb. They should close the north lot for all games and hold pregame even post game activities in the grass just south of the stadium (local radio can give out tees). Regarding a new score board the School can look for sponsors and even start a go fund me page. Regarding lights, don’t we have an electrical engineering program who can do some research on solar LED lights? Also, a school that can apply for fed and state funding for a solar lighting study?


    South lot only makes sense. As to the rest,all good common sense suggestions. Guess,its a matter of AD moving these items a bit higher on his tpdo list. :)


    Trying to make sense of the “where will money come from?” argument.

    Last time I looked, LU had $ 1 billion in endowments.


    Endowment principal will never be touched for ‘frivilous’ capital expenditures like scoreboards. The BOT has a formula that they use for using income generated from the endowment and how it is allocated. Hence, the reason it takes ‘sugar daddies’ to make many things happen. Goodman Stadium was on the ‘boards in the late 1960’s when I was recruited. I saw a ‘mock up’ on my trip. Took almost 20 years until the money came to fruition, most through Mr. Goodman.


    [quote=24742]Two quick points on the video board.

    First, it can be touted as a recruiting advantage, if not explicitly (“We have a video board, Lehigh does not”) then implicitly (“We have a BIG-TIME game atmosphere at Lafayette with Kirby Field House and oh yeah the big video screen”). Goodman has a very good game atmosphere in the afternoons, I know because I spend a lot of time there. A new video board could add to that and also remove a possible recruiting advantage for Delaware and Lafayette.

    Second, with the opportunity Beth Steel FC coming to Goodman, it does seem like a good idea to update the facility to be amenable to pro sports franchises’ needs. Before, only the needs of Lehigh football were really necessary in Goodman. Now the folks at Goodman have more considerations to have the chance to be good tenants for a pro sports franchise.

    Very worthy of mention here is that the original Bethlehem Steel FC back in 1913 used then-new Taylor Stadium to contest their bigger games, so you could say the original Taylor Stadium was intended to be a multi-purpose field when it was constructed. It also hosted Lehigh baseball games within walking distance of Bethlehem Steel. So in a way, all Lehigh is doing is retuning in a big way to its roots by having Goodman as a multi-purpose stadium.

    How has Lafayette done since they got their “big time” video board and new digs? I don’t think they’ve had a winning season in six years. PL type students usually are not swayed by such things.


    [quote=24726]Yeah, I know it is not just the stadium. For parking we need to at least double the lighting around Stabler. And we would need to light the “student parking area” north of the Stadium. I would let the kids continue to party after the game, BUT make sure there would be a plan to make sure no one drives from that lot under the influence. (Train a couple University employees to administer a breathalyzer test before they get to a cop who be before they get to the road.)[/quote]

    There is a lot of tailgating in the fields to the east and south of the Stabler lots in grass/fields. At night at with drinking, a liability mine field.


    The new Coach at W. Michigan P. J. Fleck raised the money for their 3.5 million in changes. He said: “When you walk into a football facility you want to have a ‘Wow’ factor,” he said. “That engulfs you. It makes you feel like you’re a part of the team and that’s the atmosphere we wanted to have.”

    Our players get one pair of cleats a year, some players get gloves. We also don’t have lights and our score board is worse then most High Schools.


    If the football coach wants to raise money for stuff like this, makes a lot of sense.


    Doc Qb

    [quote=24922]<P>Our players get one pair of cleats a year, some players get gloves. We also don’t have lights and our score board is worse then most High Schools.</P>[/quote]

    Circa ’91, you got cleats, maybe two crappy motivational tshirts, one workout tshirt with greyshorts. thats it. no gloves, you bought them. no sweatsuits or warmups. no under armour gear (it didnt exist, but Nike did). Lehigh was very cheap on that front. I would look at LC and they would have a bunch of shit, sweat suits, jackets, sideline gear. athletes do care.

    look at us now, our swag for alums is terrible. you still cant get much online, even with that new product line out…it is still pretty weak. aside from an addidas golf shirt (which doesnt say what sport you support on the chest), the stuff is pretty awful. its not just our unique ( and challenging color palate), LU just doesnt seem to care or try. My shit from the 90’s is getting pretty ratty and dated?



    Doc, you’re really asking me to design you some swag, right? :)


    Agree on products available to us. Bland. Still have my dink fron frosh year and a sweatshirt that still survives ( likely because I never wash it,much to my W’s disgust). Players do a bit better now but AD needs to work out better gear deals. Even Hoyas have better.smh


    Gloves? WTF are gloves all about?! What a bunch of pussies these players are today. I would ban them. These “great” one-handed catches we see all the time–crap they’re wearing stickum gloves.

    I agree for the alums the selection is pretty bland. I’m still waiting for them to reinstitute some Engineer stuff and I’ll bite.



    The best marketing involves hot coeds, sadly most of the women at Lehigh are dorky looking fatties. I’d “rent” 15 – 20 Hooters girls for every home game and dress them up in skimpy Lehigh outfits, put the MountainHawk logo on their ass. Attendance and morale would soar. Some of our cheerleaders are over 200 lbs.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by  buck.

    I would remind you that those “dorky…fatties” are someone’s daughter or sister. They are cheerleaders not sluts, which it would appear you prefer. If attendance and morale would “soar” because of what you suggest, says a lot about why are society is swirling in the porcelain bowl.

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