Where Lehigh Gathers to Gloat

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Where Lehigh Gathers to Gloat

This topic contains 47 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #16818


    Gloat, indeed.

    Time to change that heading.

    A true embarrassment: poor strategy, bad play calling, Swiss cheese defense, lousy execution, lack of poise, etc. It was beyond bad – terribly coached bordering on disorganized. And in front of 50,000+ fans and national TV.

    Also – first down calls were awful – runs into the middle with virtually no variation. Why not try short passes to relieve pressure?


    Fantastic weekend,cept for the game. Fans showed up football team didn’t. We can all repeat our posts from prior losses. Nothing changed,so they all apply. A truly embarrassing performance in front of 48000+and a national TV audience. Will never understand how team could not show up today of all days. An ass whupping.



    Poor coaching – especially the OC.
    Defensive is undersized – across the board.
    LU not getting it done on the recruitment front lately.
    The dropped snap in the first quarter on 4th and one after a key defensive stop said it all.
    QB and coaches not ready for prime time.



    The better team won today. Sucks, but it’s that simple.


    Agree we were outcoached badly on both sides of ghd ball. Size of DL an issue all year but really its more about not having guys on the line that fit a 3-4. Lots of DEs few DTs and no NG. Caveness will help there.
    Do think we are looking at another shakeup in staff. Which to me means another yr of two of losing barring a miracle turnaround. Game sure wont help recruiting this year.


    Pards definitely better team todd. Wouldn’t be so pissed if we had competed and lost. We didn’t in 1st half at all. 2nd was a draw. Too little too late.



    Don’t mean to imply that I’m taking it lightly, btw.

    P.S. If you don’t like “gloat”, start your own site and title it with “piss and moan”, if you’d like.



    Rich, by shakeup in staff, who you think goes, Coen, Botts?



    Mayes de-commit countdown pool? I’ll take 30 days…



    I’ve been quiet all week. Game was truly awful. Its just sad to watch this, glad it came to a merciful end.I think the 4th and 21 TD by LC summed up the season. That TD was truly comical. All the LU fans laughed with me in astonishment like really? 41 carries for 304yds when you knew they had to run the ball with the QB situation? EVERYONE knew #29 was getting the ball except LU coaches. I like Botts, but he has to step down as DC. Will Coen give him a life jacket and make him a D assistant, who knows. Hate i spent money for this game when I couldve watched it on TV and turned it off at half. ALOT of decisions to be made over the off season. One thing is for sure, EVERY kid on that D should worry for his job and know it isnt a given for next yr, the DBs absolutely suck……all of them. You can hate me now if you like.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by  LehighGuy.


    I disagree with the hurting recruiting. Kids want to go where they can play alot soon. I think LU helped its chances by showing how pathetic they are defensively and offensively. I think kids are excited about coming here and taking jobs, and they should be.



    And keep in mind this coaching staff was outcoached by Tavani. Not exactly the first guy that comes to mind when you think of coaching genius. I think we have some talent on defense, but that was an abysmal display. This coaching staff needs an overhaul ASAP.

    Lafayette has exactly one guy that could hurt a team and they gave him the ball close to 50 times but yet we gave Pelletier the ball 4 times? What kind of logic is that? Finding a way to get your most dangerous player the ball is on the coaches. And that was very poorly done today.

    On the bright and with much improved coaching, Leigh and Pelletier are going to be very, very good.



    Crazy talk, LG. Nobody wants to go to a failing program, even if they’re going to get time. You get recruits when you win. I think the D2 reclass is fast approaching, depending on how the whole new “P5” ruling structure works out.



    I don’t think Mayes de commits, were a great program with 2 bad years


    No todd,if anything Brad may have less concern with returning QBs :). Altho, embarrassing play will not help recruiting. at our level kids look at schools then football. But,if your program appears to be a cluster fuck spiraling down,definitely may provoke second thoughts. Dont forget that Andy recruited very well during and after 3 losing seasons. There is a lot of talent in fr and so classes. We return a lot.
    Staff. Dread big turnover again in staff. I dont see much sense in keeping D staff. Inexperience. Yup we had a lot. No longer an excuse for today. D did get better over the year,but never ever good. That’s coaching.
    I am stunned by how badly we played in the 1st half. How is it possible for team not to show up. Andy pointed to we failed to “execute” here and then there and then there again …. who is responsible for that?

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