Yale game notes

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This topic contains 39 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #15623

    True. If O can keep improving and Nick survives :),Botts just needs to find the right combination and get the D to afequate.I fear the latter may not be easy.



    Aman77, what are 0 and 1 personnel? I’ve heard of 10 personnel before (1 RB, 0 TE) but never 0 and 1.



    Most teams call them empty sets, but our team always stayed with the number system, so a 5 WR set was 00 and a 4 WR 1 TE set was 01. I don’t believe I saw them truly run a 5 WR package though, I think the RB was split out and I misread his jersey number.


    Interesting preview of Yale on site. Andy really pleased with entire frosh group. Hints that O will pass more this week searching for better balance. Also,emphasized the failure to get sacks this year. I do miss coach K,a genius at devising and using blitzes.
    Keys for D no surprise Randall and Varga.


    Interesting quote from Caslow in Call interview. Paraphrasing,we haven’t gotten sacks because we have been playing protection schemes not attacking schemes. As Andy stated the 1st two games vs teams bigger stronger faster ,which perhaps explains D schemes . Doesn’t really explain poor tackling ,altho Andy seems to put a lot of that on lack of that in practice. Both emphasized need to get pressure. Hope that means we see the attacking D that was anticipated.



    always liked Wenner. Hope for an attacking D, and hope #8 finally finds a home and excels since many thought at the time, he was our top get in that class. I that song “pressure” by Billy Joel playing in my head.



    I completely agree that D is the bigger problem, but I’m not 100% sold on the O yet either, until I see us demonstrate the ability to throw the ball a bit. One nice pass, to my recollection, so far – the TD to Gaul. The running game is impressive, but I think UNH found a formula: pack the box, force downfield throws.
    After all the talk about the tight race in camp, I’m reminded of what NFL commentators would say about RBs. “If you’ve got 2 starting RBs, that means you don’t have one”. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m concerned that could be our QB scenario.


    Nick is the QB. Not an issue. Lots of ofher issues:)
    Folmar has gone prtty vanilla so far with our O. Great running partly explains. Nick accurate short to middle. Long passes he lacks the arm to zip and the touch to lift. He has come very close on a couple. Think he will start hitting them. No knock on Derek but believe WRs will be better with Gaul and Pelletier. Both can catch.
    Yale will not be easy but they are not the same quality as our 1st 2 games.



    Unless memory fails – which is entirely possible – I think Nick said in one of the interviews that UNH put 9 in the box at times. I’ve never even heard of anybody doing that.


    Correct and we dropped the passes. Until we get a reliable and more varied pass attack expect most teams will stuff the box. Nick missed some long and 1 was dropped. Stuff he box throw to a rb or a te. We dont do either much so far. Coyle is very sure handed. No clue why.Even with that D UNH did not stop Yosha.Did take away QB run. UNH spied Nick most of the game.
    Yale is not UNH or even JMU.



    9 in the box happens, it means you basically only have 2 wide outs,or less on O, and the D is content on covering 1 on 1 there, and the Ss walk up and you have 9 defenders 5 yards off the ball. It happens because the D does not respect your offense at all. They do not fear the passing game, and will bring the heat. Audibles and quick hitters in the passing game can work, but takes an experienced line to pick up the blitzes. Doubt Yale is that confident on D.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  Miller.

    Well said. Much better explanation for todd than I gave:)
    May be that Folmar still feeling his way thru the O.Run game more varied at this point than our pass attack. Hard to figure who between staff and players is still learning the schemes. Perhaps both.


    Too lazy to get up and look at VCR. Can anyone recall 4 WR sets vs UNH?



    Hate #13 is out for the season, especially being a sr. With that said i think #8 will do much better at safety. Im not confident in this game with that D. There has been no changes at all. If Yale airs it out, Lehigh is in trouble. they have talent at the wr postion.


    Steph can get a red shirt,if he wants. Yale has very good skills but a new OL,about as big as we’ve seen. We’ll see if they are as good. Agree LG,at this point there is lttle to be confident in with the D as a unit. Individually,ton of athleticism. Yale D ,lots of frosh.

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