This weekend's Lehigh/Cornell game, if you're not able to make it to Ithaca, will be available to be viewed online, but it will require a subscription and a fee to do it.
It's available to on the Ivy League Digital Network, and you can buy it on a school day-pass basis.
I forget the price of Cornell's day pass, but if you went for the monthly subscription to ILDN back when we played Yale, then you're good for this weekend's game at Cornell.
The game is Lehigh's latest start of the season, at 3:30 PM up in Ithaca.
My plan is to can listen to the game for free on (or on the radio at AM 1230 and 1320 of the Lehigh Valley). The reassuring voices of Matt Kerr and Matt Markus will be on the call.
And I will also say that if you follow my Twitter feed (@LFN), I'll do my best to keep up with the action.
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