LFN Players of the Week for CCSU/Lehigh, And The Two-Minute Drill

(Photo Credit: David DiFrancesco/Brown and White via the Express-Times)

Here at LFN, I'm always looking for something to keep things fresh, and this year the plan is to keep things fresh by combining the "LFN Players of the Week" with something new: the two-minute drill.

In the past, I used to have a "press roundup" with links to all the recaps and interesting articles that would emerge concerning Lehigh football.  In a world without Twitter and Facebook, this type of content curation was great not only for people who liked my blog, but for me, too, when wanting to refer back to a particularly memorable game or moment.

But we live in a world of Twitter and Facebook now.  I can post links to the recaps on my Facebook page, my Twitter feed, and they can even be pulled into a type of newspaper delivered to your email called Paper.li.  All are great tools, all feature content that I myself read, and, frankly, are the way people consume news now.

But that doesn't mean the "Press Roundup" is now worthless.  It will be the place where I empty out my notebook from the prior week, take a look ahead at next week's opponent, and maybe even something completely different.  We'll see how it all goes.

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