Archive For The “Ian Williams” Category
(Photo Credit: WFUV)
We break down the Fordham game – and we give our fearless prediction below the flip.
Though this game doesn’t officially count towards the Patriot League standings, make no mistake about how big this game is for both programs.
Look no further than the ticket sales for this game.
Fordham’s Jack Coffey field is sold out, all 7,000 seats, and even on this game is a hot ticket, with no tickets available as of right now. (Check back if you still need tickets!)
A sold-out, 7,000 seat venue for a meaningful football game is what FCS football is all about, and whatever happens it’s going to be a fantastic ambassador for Patriot League football broadcast across the country on CBS Sports Network.
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In 2010, Fordham limped to a 1-10 record, ending head coach Tom Masella‘s time as head coach on Rose Hill.
In the offseason, outgoing active athletic director Frank McLaughlin introduced Fordham’s next head coach, Joe Moorhead, and exclaimed to all present, “This is not a rebuilding program. We expect to be successful this coming year.”
After turning things around to the tune of a 6-5 record this past season, few would argue that first-time head coach Moorhead was indeed a large success last season, allowing the Rams to put their 1-10 season well in their rear-view mirror.
For the Rams, the challenge will now be to increase their win total again, and return to the FCS playoffs.
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