Reply To: 2016-2017 OOC Schedule

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball 2016-2017 OOC Schedule Reply To: 2016-2017 OOC Schedule


[quote quote=26412]Great info.

Not as much sizzle, but a lot of winnable games.

LaSalle was terrible this past year, only won 9 games overall.

Arkansas St was also terrible in the Sun Belt, only won 11 games overall.

So, those are games we could easily win. Glad to see a Big 5 team on the schedule for the first time since the Nova game in Allentown and the away St. Joe’s game a few years back.

Stony Brook will be way down, lost coach, and Jamal Warney and Carson Puriefoy will have graduated. Another winnable game.

Yale and Princeton may be 2 best teams in the Ivy next year, so they will be tough.

Even Miss St was pretty bad this year, near bottom of SEC and under .500.

Would like to see us play .500 basketball or better in the OOC.


Agree on Princeton. They should be the unanaimous pick for 1st in the Ivy. However Yale will not be nearly as good, having lost four starters: Sears (Ivy POY), Sherrod (1st team All-Ivy), Victor (All-Ivy HM), and Montague (who started and played a ton of minutes before the witch hunt removed him from the team). Also lose Ghani, who played some real minutes as well.

With the unbelievable class that Harvard is bringing in, they should move back to the #2 spot.