
Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Fordham

This topic contains 100 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by marco marco 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #22928

    [quote=22923]Excuse me I mis spoke 3-3-5
    You sure named powerhouses of football that run the 3-3-5
    WV runs it due to the fact that Rich Rod used to run it there as he still does no at Arizona. Countless – doubtful.
    You say depth is a problem and I agree with that – whose fault is that? There was and is a major lack of a qualified PWO program. Spring practice was brutal.

    Go to practice one day and check out the intensity of the D – or lack of it.
    This along with the lack of teaching and poor football drills is not helping.

    The offense at Lehigh for the most part has carried them since DK left.

    Coack K was the best. A fiasco since then. The Wilcher Roberts seasons were bad and made worse by poor recruiting particularly on the DL. Recruiting has markedly improved on D the last 2 classes. Another good D group will fill it out finally. Injuries shook out what little depth we had.



    The negativity on this board is depressing. I realize the defense gave up 50 for the third time this season. But that game was there for the taking. If Shaf plays the second half, I think we win it. This team could win out, considering all the freshmen and sophomores playing that would be an accomplishment



    Botts was the DC in ’98 and ’99


    The negativity is depressing and more than that annoying. Disappointment,I get. Notice that few of these guys post when we win. Those that do usually credit the W to the other team being terrible.
    Win out? Possible,if the we see the same intensity as the last 2 games.


    Interesting note from Groller’s article this AM. Andy noted that Camasta has a knee injury. As to Nick,he would wait til he is evaluated today. Did not specify the nature of his injury. Went on to say Brad would start if Nick couldn’t. OK,what’s going on? Gamesmanship or a more serious injury than it appears. Or a different type of injury?


    Face it, we’re “defenseless”. Been this way since Kotulski departed. 42 points should win the game for you. I have a real problem giving up 500 yards and 45 – 60 points, especially to Ivies and PL teams.

    Going forward – does anyone think that Andy Coen minimally needs to win three more games (one has to be against Lafayette) in order to avoid the Mike Cooley treatment?


    Cooley was my Line coach back in the day. He got a bit sandbagged by the “de-emphasis”.The plummet after Leck caused a furor ending that benign neglect. Leck brought in Dunlap. The story is a cautionary tale. Going down goes fast,climbing back up agonizingly slow. Took Dunlap 6 yrs to rebuild the program.
    Andy not on the hot seat yet.We could win out but 2-2 more likely. Good enuf with a W vs Pards. Next year will tell the tale. A losing season will get Sterrett involved and not in a good way.



    For discussion purposes only: :-)
    How much influence does the HC have on the individual units?
    Hank Small was obviously and offensive guy and we had the worst defense in the PL. His defensive coordinator then succeeds him and with Bottiglieri as DC, the defense improves greatly.
    Cecchini and Kotulski each had significant results as coordinators. Coach K moves on to HC at Holy Cross and although they haven’t been a real threat to win the PL, they have thrown 2 shutouts this year. Coach C moves to Valparaiso which continues to struggle but notably they are giving up about 45 ppg if you throw out their thrashing of The College of Faith.
    Andy C has always been on the offensive side of the ball as a coach. Our offense has consistently played well but like the Small years, the defense is struggling.
    Does the HC typically put the most emphasis on the side of the ball that favors his background?


    Gilmore.decent DC. His talent was motivation and fire. Had hus guys well coached in a very aggressive base D. During the game ,he was a force of nature. Has not had great success at Cross. One constant with the Purples during his time is how well his teams are coached. Their issue has been lack of speed and athleticism. According to Cross board,the problem in recruiting centered on the Admissions Dept. New AD seems to have helped thrre ad Cross over the last few years has been getting faster and better athletes admitted.



    Certainly I was not pleased Lehigh gave up so many points. I was not pleased that there were so many turnovers. However, despite all of that the Mountain Hawks had two chances to make it a one score game in the fourth quarter, the second time with two timeouts and about 4 and change left. To pin this all on the defense, especially considering that Fordham has routinely been putting up 40+ on opponents this year, I think is wrong. One fewer turnover, a made FG, or another stop would have made a huge difference. All phases had a moment that could have made a difference but didn’t.


    “To pin this all on the defense, especially considering that Fordham has routinely been putting up 40+ on opponents this year, I think is wrong.”

    This started during the 2013 season. The three loses that year were blowouts to PL teams. (Fordham, Bucknell, Laffyette) Unacceptable. It has snowballed since then…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by marco marco.

    Actually started before with 2 yrs of weak recruiting particularly DL. Before TC ans Stubbs ,we had a DL consisting of an assortment of Des.
    Noone thinks D has bern acceptable over the last 3 yrs. However,this is the first year we have seen improvement.Inconsistent but there. The new scheme is finally taking hold. Now we need depth of upperclass players not jyst frosh.


    just a fan

    its all the defense and defense only, if you score 42 points and loose your defense sucks,, same ol 3-3-5 the whole game and no adjustments again, 3rd and 27 and they took a LB out the game and put in a 4th lineman SMH!!! play pass GEESHH!!!
    1st drive of 3rd quarter for Fordham defense playing great 3rd and 7 and the DB gives up 9 this going on all year that was a big stop instead they go down the field and take the lead 24-21 and then down hill from there, I said before we don’t know how to win yet… its not personal or attack on these great young men we have just facts..


    just a fan

    oh by the way Fordham is not that good of a team, they have and I STRONGLY say 1 football Player or offense and defense.
    we lost to 1 RB and the corner #14 was good the temple transfer PERIOD… We have some serious talent on offense the WRs are really good #3 #8 #80 leave those in with a TE or HB and rotate or RBs and lets ball, time to see what #25 and #17 can do at CB now,, is it me or our 2 starting DBs have no ball skills all season I have not seen them turn around and play the ball in the air yet not 1 time SMH>>>>



    Why is #25 not returning kicks anymore? Is he hurt? #12 is slow to me and I would rather see #25 or #80 returning kicks. They have more big play ability imo. I noticed Yale kicked away from #25 all game. And Princeton did too 2nd half. As much as teams score on us we need a gamebreaker back there. I think they kicked to #12 8 times, he isnt a threat.

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