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This topic contains 41 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by RichH RichH 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #15332

    A woulda,coulda,shoulda game. We left pts on the field. Altho to be fair so did JMU. Nick was very good. Long passes were off just a bit. Sawyer should get a raise or a new house. A great job with OL and TEs They were superb. Hope Nunes and Duffy not serious. Sodeke and Yosha ran very well. O will be fine. D actually goid 1st half. Not so much 2nd. Worn out ? Dont know but 2nd half was a replay of last year. That said both were good enuf to win.
    ST play was very poor. Missed FGs and the KO brain freezes.smh.
    Expect we will be better next week. UNH is just a wee bit better than JMU ,:)



    My god you guys are drinking the Yosha Kool aid. He ran scared today and with his head down. He ran so well to you guys he hardly ran the 2nd half. Sodeke looked much better but slower. Wouldn’t surprise me if Leigh starts to get in the rotatation. Yosha ran scared and the hype is just that…..hype. Everybody around me said the same thing, he ran scared with his hand out looking for the contact.


    Yosha cramped up. Why risk him with Sodeke and Nick running so well. OL is the story of our O today. Superb.



    Lol….ok Rich. Im not sure what you guys are use to, but the kid in question is NOT a gamechanger. Cramping up? The whole 2nd half? The kids on the team say its always some thing with him….lol. Let’s give the rock to Sodeke and the Leigh kid….a legit 4.4 guy and possibly a gamechanger. D tackling was horrible. If the upperclassmen gonna stink it up like they did, put the freshman and sophs out there, at least they speed will help cover stuff up. #13, was moving in slow motion


    Didn’t say that. Cramped and taken into locker room just before half. Again his frst game in almost 2 1\2 yrs. Would love to see Leigh get PT. He is a sub 4.5 guy with size and power.
    Not as negative as you on upperclassmen,but I doubt anyone is. Do think particularly on Dline Stubbs and the frosh need to be in rotation. Of course ,we need to get a rotation first :). Inside would like to see Kondas and Harvey with Caslow and Ripanti outside at least on short yardage situations.



    I’m just saying. The wrs for jmu were running free all day. The jmu qb just couldn’t connect. And the tackling was horrible, same kids from last yr, they just getting more pt. Coen needs to play the scholly kids, they can’t do much worst, plus they’ll learn. The kids playing now didn’t have offers from anywhere…not even the Ivy’s. The scholly kids had options. Its a reason why. Look at other patriot teams, playing alot of freshman and sophs. They’re better athletes and faster, play them!



    P.s. you guys are negative on upperclassmen. That’s the D you say is same ole BS from last yr.


    No argument. Agree have to move schollie kids up quickly as possible IF they are better. Jones up on 2 deep.And I am sure ofhers will be as season goes forward. Dangerous to anoint kuds just because of a schollie and knock those preschollie. The blanket statement that the preschollie guys had no offers just is not true. Many did,including Ivies. I do agree that schollie has raised the overall level of talent in each class. But prior classe altho not as deep in talent all have a number of virtually full aid recruits. I do think that more sophs s/b seeing PT.
    Do understand giving seniors some priority but not at the cost of losing. Have not seen that happen tho.Which seniors that played hurt us? None that I can recall. Only place I see real need is DL. Stubbs and Mitchell there. Of frish Cavenas and Johnson have tremendous upside but also biggest leap from lower level HS ball. Gille perhaps less of a gap there but he is not a NG.
    I dont like rebuilding years either. We lucked out last yr with an easy sched and BB. Well no cupcake sched this year and we lost most of our staff. Expect as team and staff move forward we’re going to see a lot of changes.



    ok, 2 things………..Rich is and always will be our Lehigh homer. Rich is our version of Geraldo Rivera that drinks many cups of kool aid, rushes to be the first to get out info, whether correct or relevant or interesting, but he loves his guys. Lehighguy is just like most fans that expect more,and feels over the past few years things have been in cruise control versus moving upward every year. We are that close, Lehigh is in a good situation,just need a few minor changes and patience.


    True enuf I suppose. Been that way for over 50 years Doubt I’ll change much now. Do try to be objective but see little sense in being negative. As to info,well dont edit it,just post it. Not for me to decide what will interest anyone else.
    Anyway,what’s important here is our team and everyone’s opinions on them.



    This is funny. A few days ago, it was alluded that JMU was in a different class and we would likely get clobbered. We came extremely close to winning that game and I might argue we could have easily done it. Suddenly, I have to hide sharp objects. Relax, it was our first game against a very good quality opponent who already had a game under their belt. Imagine if you were a Fordham fan about now.


    Kinda normal to be disappointed even if you didn’t ever expect to be. Hopefully no one here will have to go on a suicide watch. Venting is good for the soul.
    Anyway, enuf beating the dead horse of last week and start bitching about next game :)

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