Time for Andy to go

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Time for Andy to go

This topic contains 89 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by ngineer ngineer 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    just a fan

    LMBO to funny LG

    TO FUNNY!!!


    Fordham was still struggling 3 years into their scholarships. The impact is resulting in small squad. Less bodies, less depth. Injuries happen and guys with little or no experience getting thrown into the fray. Kids press. Mistakes occur. Hopefully, the coaches can impress on them that the idea is to have fun out there and play for each other. BTW..at HYP the kids go for free if the family income is under $150K..and those are the ILs we have been playing the most in recent decade. I think the PL will continue to take lumps OOC for a couple more years until the scholarship thing is completely in place. Even then, it may not we all that effective with the top half of the IL. Probably with the NEC and possibly with the CAA.



    Sorry Ngineer, you mustve been out of the loop for awhile. ONCE again kids DO NOT go for free if parents make under 150,000. Heres a article……….

    At Harvard, parents making less than $65,000 are not expected to contribute. Families making between $65,000 and $150,000 contribute from 0-10% of their income.

    Like Harvard and Stanford, Yale parents making less than $65,000 do not have to contribute to tuition. Beyond that, Yale subtracts a family contribution from the cost of tuition, room and board, books and personal expenses, and will meet 100% of demonstrated financial need.

    At Princeton, parents making less than $120,000 do not pay tuition. Those making less than $60,000 are covered for tuition, room and board. Those making between $60,000 and $120,000 only pay a percentage of room and board. The percentage is higher for those whose income is lower.

    THE KEY WORDS is they get free TUITION, says nothing about ROOM AND BOARD, and trust me room and board costs alot!


    The answer ,as many have noted repeatedly,is not firing Andy. Two issues here. One,the roster. We have 2 upperclass schollie classes. At this juncture Fordham was as inconsistent as we are now. Looking around PL every schollie team has the same issues. Time,coaching and experience are the only path to fixing this issue.
    Coaching. The coordinators first and foremost. I am truly confused by his plan. Was that the reason we list those games. No.JMU just that much better. PU WRs gave up 4TOs. Yale both our lines were trashed. I do wonder why Folmar did nothig to ease their pressure on OL. As I wonder about his failure to adjust sets or playcalling.
    At this point,my question is what will Andy do with Folmar?
    Going forward ,we have 5 games that we can win and one that would be a huge upset if we did win.


    The parallels drawn in this thread between Lehigh & Fordham’s move to scholarship football have for the most focused on the poor on field performance during the transition period. And that in the fourth year Fordham turned the corner once they had the full compliment of rides. For my money the real reason for the fourth year turnaround was the switch from Tom Massella to Joe Morehead. I’d love to hear how “in the know” Fordham fans feel in this regard.

    Coach Coen is a great guy and a true gentleman from all I’ve read and heard. And he’s 62-41 in nine years. But last year’s inconsistency, the debacle at the 150th, and the beginning of this year have me convinced, unless there a dramatic turnaround this year, it’s time for a change. Next question would be does the AD have the chops to do it, and will he find the right guy.


    You guys counseling for patience and that there is a plan are in wishful thinking mode. Andy’s first five years were mediocre. We had two great years after Cecchini arrived and have been unsatisfactory since, including the abomination in the Bronx. 10 years is enough time to be patient. 2 good seasons out of 10 is not a great percentage. Sorry, I’m not counting the 10-1 season that didn’t lead to a PL title or the playoffs. Either Andy makes serious game day moves or he should move on at the end of the season.



    Lehigh makes it very easy to look up past results. Between the 2010-2013 seasons (4 years) Lehigh was 39-9, including playoff games. That sounds like a pretty good stretch to me. Then we lost virtually our entire coaching staff. Change in a sport that requires good chemistry does not always work out well.



    This IS a very patient group, it seems. Post-game discussions here next week will be interesting. Bucknell is beatable given what should be a great sense of urgency by Lehigh players and staff.

    If a renewed Lehigh is going to emerge this season, it had better be obvious Saturday. Either way, I’d still do a major rebuild of staff immediately after this season.

    Lehigh 27
    Bucknell 24


    objective observer

    some of you want a major overhaul of staff- that is fine

    but you know what you are going to get- at the minimum 3 more years of inconsistency-

    1st – if Andy goes- and a new coach comes in- the new coach views the players as andy’s player’s especially the quarterback-the new coach wants his players! which takes time and from what I have been reading none of you have time!

    you need to give this coaching staff until 2017 it will be four full years of scholarship players!!

    I don’t know what teams you have been watching- but I can say the freshman and sophomore class is loaded with talent
    I repeat we probably have the two best running backs in the league

    And to the person who stated give them a kick in the ass

    That worked when Bear Bryant and Woody Hayes- it is never appropriate to be degrading to any player- you need to build confidence- provide them with information- and support- this is a new generation of players- and some of you that report on this site- probably were the same parents that complained about the midget coaches, high school coaches and so on!

    I always told parents- if you want to coach- put in an application


    Guess I’m one of those patient guys,:) Been yhru these lynching parties often enuf. Higgins,Lembo both had similar pressure after perceived failurss. Pete’s case illustdative. The same wave of fire the bastard after 8-3 seasons. Disappointed expectations after years of being a”national”team.
    Now we have Andy,one losing season and back to back losses to Pards. A bit quick to light the fire. As to staff, not impressed by results the last two yrs with Botts and Folmar. Can I be certain that it’s their failure or the results of yrs of poor recruiting on D,injuris ,youth,staff turnover etc. I’m not. I agree this situation must be fixed and that it is the responsibility of the HC to do so..At the very least,I think we must await the results of the rest of the sched to judge the progress in doing that.



    I’ll take credit for the ‘kick in the ass’ remark. Obviously, a figurative illustration, but you missed that. Probably should have said ‘kick it up a notch,’ like Emeril, rather than something so ‘Whitehead-like.’

    In the end, I believe most people work best under pressure, especially competitive types.

    It’s a jungle out there.



    objective observer PLEASE stop saying we have the best two RBs in the league, theyre only freshman, and Edmonds is arguably the best RB in the FCS not just the PL. We understand youre probably a coach or some type of assistant for the FB team. If we have so much talent with the fresh an Soph class, PUT THEM ON THE FIELD in the positions LU are struggling at, DBs to start! And Wrs could use some help also! Its coaching that allows mediocre players who cant get the job done continue to play. Maybe thats what “neighbor” meant by saying kick them in the ass, no kicking in the ass could hurt more than losing your starting job, or the fear of it. Seems like NOBODY on the field,sideline OR booth have ANY fear of repurcussions for their actions or inactions!



    Any running back is only as good as his offensive line. Don’t believe me, ask DeMarco Murray :-).



    LG – he has repeatedly said 2 best freshman RBs. And it’s a hard point to argue against.



    And this quote, “Families making between $65,000 and $150,000 contribute from 0-10% of their income” – used repeatedly – does nothing to disprove the suggestion that many/most of those families pay zero. Zero is, in fact, between 0 and 10. Unless we saw something specific, is there any reason to be confident that these players aren’t on full rides? I don’t think so.
    And keep in mind, unless we’re missing something, there is no limit on numbers. If I read correctly, someone else mentioned here that their rosters have 100+.

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