Time for Andy to go

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Time for Andy to go

This topic contains 89 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by ngineer ngineer 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #22475

    Ivies have no NCA cap for football aid. IL limits recruiting to a rolling avg of 30 pdr year. Even if not all are full aid,what parent wouldn’t pay 10000 a yr for an Ivy degree.
    Bassd on what we’ve seen so far,likely we do have the 2best frosh RBs in PL.
    Still puzzles me why some harp on dumping Andy now. I,for one ,dont want to leap again into a further sea change without more to show that it is absolutdly needed. One losing season is not uf.



    I have never said anything about dumping Andy. And Todd i just seen the last post from OO, said nothing about best freshman backs in PL, said best backs in league. I guess they would be the best fresh back in league since theyre the only ones forced to play LOL. And doesnt LU have a roster of over 100???? I know PERSONALLY that only HYP offer the deals you guys are talking about, and only the cream of the recruiting chart gets that! If your parents are making good money, youre going to pay, dont care how bad they want you. And Todd, 65,000 you pay ZERO, anything above that you pay, so its not FREE. Rich 10,000 a yr is alot for some people, maybe not to big money people like you :) And thanks to PL scholarships, parents are skipping out on that 10,000(40,000) bill and coming to LU and the PL for FREE! Ivy degree DOES NOT= SUCCESS….i know alot of people with them!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by  LehighGuy.

    LU roster is 88.
    HYP do inded give more aid than most Ivis but not to the extent you imply LG. The other Ivies will match HYP aid in order to get recruits. IL has its own isdues with current aid policies that skew in favor of HYP.
    LG my dump comment is to thd thread title.
    Repeat,we have beaten this topic to death. Time to focus on Bucknell.


    just a fan

    Competition breeds success PERIOD!!!

    Kids have no clue how to win…. winning starts with competing and grinding..

    Neither is taking place
    I want winners!!!



    Agree Rich. And “just a fan”…i love your motto……I WANT WINNERS…LMAO!



    My final thoughts on this matter . . .

    I think the people managing the Lehigh football program have gone ‘soft.’ This includes Andy and his assistants, plus the school administration. That’s too bad.

    I believe Lehigh can field a top 10 ranked FCS team every year, and the school and community will be a better place because of that. These are responsible and bright players. They CAN handle the task.

    The atmosphere at Goodman has grown stale, attendance is down, particularly students. Even the number of vendors has dropped. There is not enough effort to promote the events, the internet media option is of low quality, and the season has become a local news afterthought. Yes, the players DO appear poorly prepared.

    Missed opportunity all around. Keeping everything the same would not be my answer. That’s all.


    objective observer

    I been around football for a very long time- and yes I do love to coach and see the development of players- I am not a coach on this staff- but I am a full supporter of the coaches- if I need to critique them I will do it in private- not on a public website

    I did say freshman running backs- if I am mistaken that is on me-

    As for saying they don’t know how to win I would say most of these players came from winning high school programs- and I can guaranteed they had a very good coach along the way either in football, basketball, baseball, or whatever sport they played!

    Fair! competition breeds success! – just a thought


    just a fan

    I disagree OO

    But we can disagree to agree hopefully 1 day…

    I want winners!!!!



    OMG. I’ve finally figured who Just a Fan is!! It all makes sense now!! ;-)

    Just a Trump!!



    Just a fan,
    When kids are out for weeks on end with injury, whatever, then come back and start for the team what does that tell you?
    It doesn’t matter how well you compete, its who you are!



    stale atmosphere, attendance,coaches leaving and any other issue,(in all sports) usually and always is the product of your AD. I’ve had questions about Joe for a while. Just because you played here doesn’t mean you’re doing your job.Nice guy, but not the man for the future if fans want athletic/PL dominance. Yes, Joe, thanks for the new fields around “old” Goodman. Other than that……………Lehigh should be sitting on a gold mine but we do not have the proper direction. So Andy,Joe or both or neither?


    just a fan

    Todd I’m laughing so hard. That made my day…
    Buddy I agree. People on Government assistance still have to work to get a check…


    I want winners!!!


    Lehigh athletics does not put out a ‘product’. None of the PL schools do. Factories like Penn State, Ohio State, and their ilk put out a product and rely on that product to fund the rest of their athletics. Lehigh and PL never make any money (i.e. a profit) on any athletics, nor is it in their model. Too many people around here are too influenced by all the talking heads on ESPN and their “analysis” of the factory schools and then apply the same template to PL schools. Can’t be done. Once the scholarship model is completely in place, the PL may well be able to compete more regularly with the ‘power conferences’ of FCS, and maybe surprise a lot of people some years with a championship challenge (only Lehigh and Colgate have done that in 35 years, and Lehigh’s run was when I-AA playoffs were a smaller field). But that’s part of the model..to strive and reach beyond what everyone sees as your limits. It’s why a victory over a CAA, MVC, or SoCon team is so exhilarating. But when we do it, occasionally, people begin thinking we will do it every single year. It does not work that way. Enjoy the ride, the challenge and the competition. GO LEHIGH!


    [quote=22501]Lehigh athletics does not put out a ‘product’. None of the PL schools do. Factories like Penn State, Ohio State, and their ilk put out a product and rely on that product to fund the rest of their athletics. Lehigh and PL never make any money (i.e. a profit) on any athletics, nor is it in their model. Too many people around here are too influenced by all the talking heads on ESPN and their “analysis” of the factory schools and then apply the same template to PL schools. Can’t be done. Once the scholarship model is completely in place, the PL may well be able to compete more regularly with the ‘power conferences’ of FCS, and maybe surprise a lot of people some years with a championship challenge (only Lehigh and Colgate have done that in 35 years, and Lehigh’s run was when I-AA playoffs were a smaller field). But that’s part of the model..to strive and reach beyond what everyone sees as your limits. It’s why a victory over a CAA, MVC, or SoCon team is so exhilarating. But when we do it, occasionally, people begin thinking we will do it every single year. It does not work that way. Enjoy the ride, the challenge and the competition. GO LEHIGH!



    I agree with the folks who say game day at Goodman is stale: I think it hurts recruiting players and students.

    People in the Lehigh Valley are sports fanatics, witness the Phantoms and Iron Pigs, which somehow manage to be busy almost every night despite about 80 games a year.

    The stadium needs to be spruced up; the tailgating area could be a destination, not a morass of individual tailgates; and Clutch could become just one piece of new branding.

    Given all the TV timeouts, how about a few marketing students — more than cheerleaders and the band — trying to whoop up the crowd with fun events?

    And the fans are tired, too. Find a way to get kids to stay for the games and get engaged, even if they’re underage and have had a beer or two. Do they have to be arrested?

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